The Lunar Garden

"A sunbeam to warm you,
 A moonbeam to charm you,
 A sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you."
- An Irish Blessing

Tributes in this Garden (339 tributes)

Murray Hanson

1963 - 2013

William Thomas Hastings

1929 - 2021

Craig David Hayman

1977 - 2011

Ernest Charles Henning

1935 - 2023

Millie Mom

1959 - 2014


1966 - 2010


1974 - 2010

Jennifer May Hinson

1953 - 2011

Bill Hirst

1961 - 2008

Judith Margaret Hitchings

1955 - 2010

Yvonne Maria Hoddy

1948 - 2009

John Kelly Holmes

1969 - 2013

Jerry Wayne Howard

1964 - 2007

Richard James Howell

1969 - 2012

John Keith Howie

1971 - 2011

Edna Hughes

1953 - 1991

Nicky Jon Hunt

1973 - 2007


1973 - 2012

Matt Inskeep

1956 - 2012

Michael Joseph Jackson

1958 - 2009

Beryl June Jackson

1948 - 2001

Jo James

1981 - 2009

Lynne James (Nee Israel)

1959 - 2012


1950 - 2009