Shooting Star

"Seen a shooting star tonight and I thought of you.
 You were trying to break into another world,
 A world I never knew.
 I always kind of wondered if you ever made it through.
 Seen a shooting star tonight, and I thought of you."
- Bob Dylan, from 'Shooting Star'

Tributes in this Garden (618 tributes)

Rebecca Judith Dickenson

1950 - 2003

Mary Alice Diehm

1953 - 2010

Patrick Azubike Dinneya

1950 - 2013

Danilo Abug Dolorito

1977 - 2008

Randy Brad Dolphin

1954 - 2014

Jean Emily Donald

1950 - 2021

Martin James Douches

1975 - 2009

June Douglas

1928 - 2010

Patrice Dowling (Pat)

1945 - 2023

John Dowsett

Mitchell Dukes

1968 - 2022

Jack William Dulson

2004 - 2014

Roxanne Marie Durlak

1968 - 2011


1976 - 2011

Mike Dyer

1947 - 2004

James William Eaton

1948 - 1993

David Michael Eaton

1953 - 2007

Marianne Ebey

1961 - 2012

Nelson Eddy

1901 - 1967

William Joseph Edgar

1973 - 2006

Jon Anthony Edwards

1961 - 2024


1957 - 2011

Neil John Emery

1965 - 2019

John Paul Evans

1964 - 2020