David Rae was born in Morpeth, Northumberland on October 19, 1963. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family. Husband, Father and Brother.
Loved by her Husband, Children, Grand Children & Great Grand Children. She was such a very special person, everyone who was blessed with knowing her loved her dearly.
You now get to have a good night sleep Mum, sweet dreams.
We will miss you for the rest of our lives.
We have chosen to set up this tribute fund in memory of 'our Julie'.
This fund will enable us all to continue to donate and support St Elizabeth's Hospice (or "Lizzie's" as we like to call it) in the amazing and admirable work that they do caring for us, our loved ones and our families.
joan foxwell was born on march 17 1943. She is much loved and will always be remembered and sadly missed by her husband ian and all her family and friends .
Davina was loving wife to Trevor Graves, Kind sister to Duncan and Clinton Friend. Caring mother to Hannah and Larisa and fun nanny to Elsie-May and Savannah- Lilly.
Davina was a loving, caring and generous person. Very homely, she loved the simple things in life. Her family was everything to her, and she would do anything for them.
Please donate to this worthy charity which helped us through the hardest time in our lives. The staff work tirelessly, with such skill and grace and always have time to speak to the family about any worries.