Jean Morris (nee Hayward) was born in Sudbury, Suffolk on August 12, 1949. She lived with her parents Win and John in Chapel Cottage, Lamarsh.
Jean was diagnosed with a secondary brain tumour on 1st June 2010, following undiagnosed renal cancer.
She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family.
Liz was born in Germiston-South Africa on October 07, 1947.
She was a loving wife, a wonderful mother and a doting grandmother & great-grandmother.
She will always be in our hearts and never be forgotten. Not a day will go buy that we will not wish she was still with us.
betty obrien was born in peterborough on June 06, 1948. She is much loved and will always be remembered by her children michael,sharon,kerrie and ann-marie are heartbroken by the loss of thier much loved mother.and her grandchildren sharlene,samantha,matthew,thomas,connor,bethany,toni,wyatt and billy jo,and her sisters janet.
Linda Carolyn Oehl was born in Alexandria, Virginia on January 27, 1948 and was taken from us much too early, on January 21, 2013. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family.
This page is a tribute to Janet Offer (nee Janet Jones) who was born in Malton, North Yorkshire on 1st October 1944.
The only daughter of Gladys and George Jones.
Janet married Keith on 29 August 1964, at Christchurch Church in Virginia Water. Their wedding reception was held at the Anne
Boleyn public house in Staines.
Samantha Paz-Vites was born in Hammersmith London on September 25, 1977. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family.