The Daisy Lawn

"Morning has broken, like the first morning
 Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
 Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
 Praise for the springing fresh from the word"
- Eleanor Farjeon

Tributes in this Garden (361 tributes)

Mary Smith

1948 - 2011

Raymond Smith

1936 - 2011

Alan Smith

1937 - 2007

Adrian Philippus Smith

1926 - 2017

Alan John Smith

1941 - 2014

Dorothy Smith (DS)

1929 - 2022

Rona Ann Esther Smith (Rona)

1936 - 2022

Eileen Gladys Smith

1932 - 2021

Pippa Ann Smithson



1930 - 2013

Annice Spencer

1924 - 2010

Mary Alice Springham

1924 - 2011

Edward Michael Stafford (Mike)

1936 - 2020


1941 - 2011

Eunice Durfee Stark

1921 - 2011

Sherly Stephen (Momma)

1976 - 2021

Daphnie H. Stewart

1948 - 2012

Robert Stewart

1925 - 1998

Brenda Storey

1951 - 2012

Alan Evans Sutheran

1935 - 2009

Terence Raymond Swann

1939 - 2011

Lisa Wednesday Swart

2015 - 2024

Annie Wang Choo Tan

1947 - 2011

Uncle Sammy

1961 - 2012