The Daisy Lawn

"Morning has broken, like the first morning
 Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
 Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
 Praise for the springing fresh from the word"
- Eleanor Farjeon

Tributes in this Garden (361 tributes)

Grace Khayala Wangusi (Mummy)

1950 - 2016

Shirley Edna Warner

1927 - 2016

Minnie Washburn

1910 - 2004

Christine Washington

1949 - 2024

Frank Earl Weber

1945 - 2012

Rita Elizabeth Weight

1936 - 2016

Lee Bruce Wenner

1927 - 2008

Jill West

1933 - 2020

Reita Marie White

1937 - 2013


1932 - 2015

Roy Wilkinson

1941 - 2012


1939 - 2004

Geraldine Brenda Williamson

1923 - 2005

Alexander Williamson

1914 - 1997

Marsha Alexis Williamson


James Williamson

1906 - 1963

Big Joe

1957 - 2006

Tina Wilson Wilson

1957 - 2001

Jane Wood

1959 - 2023


1940 - 2014

Patricia Margaret Woods-Fracentese

1940 - 2010

Philip David Woolven

1959 - 2010

Jean Worn Worn

1934 - 2010

Annie Wright

1940 - 2008