This is a tribute to our mum Mary, who sadly passed away on 20/4/20. You will be missed so much. Hope you are enjoying yourself with dad. You was a good mum and great nan. Hope you are at peace now. Lots of love ❤️❤️ xxxx
This site is a tribute to Cynthia Bradley, who was born in Leeds on August 30, 1935. She is much loved Wife, Mum and Nan and will always be remembered.
Kaeli Brandt was born in Hershey, PA on May 07, 2000. She passed away after fighting 4 1/2 yrs against a agressive brain tumor and it's treatment side affects called AT/RT. Her giggle was contagious and never did she complain about anything. She was awarded the 'Diamond of Honesty' by the largest philanthropic organization - Penn State's THON