The Red Rose Garden

"Come live with me and be my love and we will all the pleasures prove
 That hills and valleys, dale and field, and all the craggy mountains yield.
 There will I make thee beds of roses and a thousand fragrant posies,
 A cap of flowers, and a kirtle embroider'd all with leaves of myrtle"
- Christopher Marlowe, from 'The Passionate Shepherd to His Love'

Tributes recently added to this Garden (724 tributes)

Mary Ellen Byrne

9th June 1939 - 14th February 2024

Mary will always be much loved and in our hearts forever.

Erica Deann

2014 - 2015

Miss Erica was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico on July 26, 2014 and was laid to rest on October 9th, 2015. She is much loved and will always be remembered for her bright blue eyes and her kind heart. Erica was filled with love and happiness that was so pure it was contagious. Erica's family is blessed to have an angel watching over them.
Robert Glen Lorenzana Camins was born in La Union, Philippines on March 27, 1945. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family.

Francis Campbell (Frank)

December 8th 1938 - 22nd December 2017

My husband was such a wonderful man. A much beloved Husband, Dad and Grandad. Sadly missed, always loved and never forgotten. Rest in peace my Darling. Delma xx
This site is a tribute to Ewen Campbell. He is much loved and will always be remembered.

Kenneth Oral Caouette

1947 - 2012

Kenneth Caouette was born in Lewiston, Maine on August 30, 1947 and went to be with Our Lord in heaven on November 16, 2012. Kenny was an amazing and loving husband, father, brother and friend. No one could tell a story like he could. I know that he is in Heaven watching over each one of us and waiting for the day when we will come to be with him.
Margaret Caroe was born in Mildenhall, East Anglia on August 23, 1945. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family.

Peggy Carribine

1932 - 2010

Angles my cry, But so do we, We was Angry at he, He who took you far away, And we wished that you'd stay,
June Carroll was born in Chester, Cheshire on June 15, 1953. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family.
This site is a tribute to Dee. She is much loved and will always be remembered.


1931 - 2011

Dad was born in Wallsend on September 03, 1931. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family.

Thomas Cash (Tom)

13th September 1919 - 24th February 2004

This site is a tribute to Tom, who was born in Manchester on September 13, 1919. He is much loved and will always be remembered.

Marjorie Ivy Cash

25th June1920 - 25th October1994

This site is a tribute to Marjorie Cash, who was born in Manchester on June 25, 1920. She is much loved and will always be remembered.

Harry Chapman

1930 - 2010

Harry Chapman was born in Co Durham on August 17th, 1930. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family.

Marie Chapman

1957 - 2013

This site is a tribute to Marie Chapman, who was born in Winlaton on December 05, 1957. She is much loved and will always be remembered.


1935 - 2009

PATRICIA CHAPRONIERE was born in CAMDEN LONDON on October 26, 1935. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family.

Caryl Rose Cheal

1938 - 2023

This site is a tribute to Caryl Cheal. She is much loved and will always be remembered.


1947 - 2015

Leelamma was born in Eraviperoor on November 09, 1947. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family.

Janet Pamela Chesson

1939 - 2021

This site is in memory and love of Janet Pamela Chesson, may she be loved and remembered through the generations.


1927 - 2015

Oma was born in Wyk auf Föhr on October 04, 1927. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family.
This site is a tribute to Cutie, who was born in Kingston, Jamaica on September 09, 1933. They are much loved and will always be remembered.

Tom Ciak

1962 - 2011

Tom Ciak was born in Michigan on November 02, 1962. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family. There will be a memorial at a family members home on 11/19/2011. Information will be available through the email: or the following event on facebook:

Christine Clark

1945 - 2011

Christine Clark was born in Luton on December 16, 1945. Our Mum and our Nan, You were our world, our inspiration, You were our best friend, our Mum, our Nan, Our world, our lives, Our hopes and dreams. You are where they all began.

Pauline Clark

nee Ford

Pauline was a caring,generous,happy go lucky person,who loved to dress up& make others laugh,she had a wicked sense of fun,often at the embarrasment of friends &family!,but they / we loved her for who she was.