The Red Rose Garden

"Come live with me and be my love and we will all the pleasures prove
 That hills and valleys, dale and field, and all the craggy mountains yield.
 There will I make thee beds of roses and a thousand fragrant posies,
 A cap of flowers, and a kirtle embroider'd all with leaves of myrtle"
- Christopher Marlowe, from 'The Passionate Shepherd to His Love'

Tributes recently added to this Garden (724 tributes)

Ann Deplanque


This site is a tribute to Ann Deplanque, a wonderful Wife, Mum & Nan.

Vivien Dixon

1943 - 2021

This site is a tribute to Vivien Dixon. She is much loved and will always be remembered by her loving family & friends.

Rosie Dobner

Nov 1951-Dec 2006

In the Rememberance Garden amongst other brave people who suffered from MND. We miss our sister so much, you are in our thoughts everyday. Sonnie & Annie xx


1944 - 2014

Pidge was born in Wellington on August 13, 1944. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family.

Maudie Mae Dooley

1930 - 2010

Maudie Dooley was born in Alabama on February 24, 1930. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family.

Justin Lee Doss

2001 - 2011

Justin Doss was born in Cullman, AL on February 11th, 2001. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family.

Johnathon Scott Doss

1998 - 2011

Johnathon Doss was born in Cullman, AL on July 8th, 1998. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family.

Eileen Bridget Dowler

1937 - 2021

This site is a tribute to Eileen Dowler, who was born in London on March 10, 1937. She is much loved and will always be remembered by her family & friends.

Stanley Joseph Downer

Much loved father, grandfather and great grandfather

This site is a tribute to Stanley Joseph Downer. He will always be remembered as a kind, gentle caring man. He shared almost 70 years of a loving marriage with his beloved wife Edna Mavis.

Shirley Ann Downes

1957 - 2021

This site is a tribute to Shirley Downes. She is much loved and will always be remembered.

Bernard Dennis Downey

1937 - 2016

This site is a tribute to Bernard Downey, who was born in Cardiff on April 22, 1937. He is much loved and will always be remembered.
This site is a tribute to Jackie, who was born on July 07, 1941. She is much loved and will always be remembered.

Sidney Dring

1931 - 2011

Sidney Dring was born on November 11, 1931. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family.
This site is a tribute to Aston Du-Haney, who was born in Jamaica on April 05, 1944. He is much loved and will always be remembered.

Al Duke

1941 - 2014

Al Duke was born in Newcastle on November 03, 1941. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family.
Turid Dulguerian, (my mum), passed away 22nd May 2004. In remembrance of her selfless caring for others I have decided to take on the challenge of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.


1964 - 2013

PUFF was born in TURNU MAGURELE on August 16, 1964. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family. A FOST TOATA VIATA O FIINTA IUBITOARE,RABDATOARE SI MAI MULT CA ORICE SI-A IUBIT FAMILIA.

Ernest Leslie Dunn

1939 - 2021

This site is a tribute to Ernest Dunn. He is much loved and will always be remembered.

Linda Mae Duong

1938 - 2006

LINDA DUONG was born in NEW ORLEANS , LOUISIANA on May 06, 1938. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family.
Georgina was born on November 11th, 1939. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family. Never forgoten, mum, and always in my heart. Sorry we never got to say good bye. God bless R.I.P. Love you

Tony Durkin

1937 - 2008

Tony Durkin was born in Halifax on January 25, 1937. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family.

Modesta Pereira Dyer

1943 - 2020

This site is a tribute to Modesta Dyer, who was born in Origueira on September 19, 1943. She is much loved and will always be remembered.

Nelson Eddy

1901 - 1967

This site is a tribute to Nelson Eddy, who was born in Providence on June 29, 1901. He is much loved and will always be remembered.

Peggy Edge

1934 - 2020

This site is a tribute to our Peggy Edge. She is much loved and will always be remembered.