The Red Rose Garden

"Come live with me and be my love and we will all the pleasures prove
 That hills and valleys, dale and field, and all the craggy mountains yield.
 There will I make thee beds of roses and a thousand fragrant posies,
 A cap of flowers, and a kirtle embroider'd all with leaves of myrtle"
- Christopher Marlowe, from 'The Passionate Shepherd to His Love'

Tributes in this Garden (724 tributes)

Elizabeth Bek-Wilson

1926 - 2015


1985 - 2013

Robert Paul Belsky

1936 - 2013

Doug Bennett

Arnold Berry

1938 - 2023

Susan Yvonne Billington (Sue)

1948 - 2023

Patricia Isobel Binstead

1935 - 2019

Irene Louisa Bird

1928 - 2016

Maureen Birkhead

1935 - 2015

Ann Margaret Blake

1944 - 2019

William Blake

1940 - 2017

Fay Amanda Blake

1971 - 2022

Joyce Eileen Blaseby

1932 - 2016

Mark Edward Blazek

Much Loved.

Ron Virgil Blume

1941 - 2012

Jim Blunt

Venkata Ratnamma Boddu (Rathamma)

1938 - 2018

Richard Boguskie Allen Boguskie

1931 - 2009

Frank Bolus

1943 - 2013

Alan Booth

1944 - 2013


1997 - 2014

Lilian Rose Boulton

1927 - 2021

Vera Bowley

1926 - 2006

Harold Boyall

1896 - 1976