Cricket Green

On the village green the scent of freshly-cut grass and that familiar sound of leather against willow, signifying the much awaited arrival of the summer season. Long lazy days, cream teas, chirping crickets, conversation and contentment.

Tributes in this Garden (309 tributes)

Bob Thomson Bisset

1935 - 2011

Colin Alec Blackwell

1953 - 2012

John Alan Blake

1942 - 2011

Agnes Knox Bolton

1953 - 2010

Ann Marie Bonaventura

1948 - 2008


1958 - 2008

Dennis Winston Bostock

1941 - 2009

Billie Jean Jean Bowden

1931 - 2009

Jean Iris Bowern

1933 - 2011

Joyce Henrietta Brawls

1935 - 2008

Monica Briscoe

1941 - 2009


1944 - 2000


1935 - 2007

Jean Margaret Brown Nee Cozzi

1936 - 2011

Leslie Harry Brueton

1932 - 1999

Bryan Francis Budd

1936 - 2010

Phil Burnell

1949 - 2016


1942 - 2011

Terry Bush

1943 - 2009

Pietrina And Giovanni Cambio

Carlyle Davidson Camden

1925 - 2007

Jean Camp

1928 - 2012

Marlene Cannings

1948 - 2000

William Patrick Carroll

1948 - 2012