Welcome to my Tribute Fund for my Mother Dawn Lewendon. My Mother was diagnosed in October 2006, having had several falls during the year resulting in her breaking her arm twice.
Nanny's grandchildren and great grandchildren were the highlight of her life. Nanny adored her great grandson little Ben. They had so much fun and laughter when Ben visited Australia with his Mum, Sally, Nanny's granddaughter in 2006.
This site is a tribute to Honorable Mrs Juliet Aver Maagbe, who was born in Nigeria on November 28, 1960. She is much loved and will always be remembered by those she loved.
David Alexander Mackenzie was born on July 11, 1981. He died October 20, 2011 and his ashes were laid to rest into the Columbia river on May 5, 2012. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family.
Graham was so gifted and so loved. His loss affects so many people in so many ways. Please do use this site to leave your thoughts about him and to Julia, Helena, Rory, Jean, Stanley and Douglas.
Steve was born in Bromsgrove, Worcs on December 01, 1968. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family.
Steve always felt that his family was most important and he loved them dearly.