The Lily Pond

"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in,
 where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul."
- John Muir

Tributes in this Garden (396 tributes)

Robert Harold Burrows

1935 - 2011

Patricia Butterworth

1949 - 2010

Raymond Thomas Byrne

1960 - 2009

Rebecca Daisy Campion (Becci Bombshell)

2013 - 2018


1959 - 2006

Denise Anne Carter (Dee)

1964 - 2022

Troy Andrew Casey

1976 - 2012


1947 - 2016


1959 - 2007

Joyce Chesham

1932 - 2013

Lawrence Chitty

Glenn Ray Clapper

1939 - 2013

Joan Marjorie Clark

1927 - 2012

William Clark

1930 - 2011

Alan Clarke (Sam)

1944 - 2016

Papa Charlie

1933 - 2001

Hilda May Clover

1942 - 2021

Ms. Molly Cobbs

1959 - 2010

Elizabeth Mary Smith Cochrane

1954 - 2006

Lesley Carol Coe

1959 - 2023

Barbara Jean Coggins (Barb)

1937 - 2016


1922 - 2011

Trevor Keith Cooper

1949 - 2022


1936 - 2012