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The Ladybird Garden
"All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all."
- Cecil Frances Alexander
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MuchLoved Gardens
Wildlife Gardens
The Ladybird Garden
(Tributes in this Garden)
Tributes in this Garden
(324 tributes)
Bridget Simpson
Kerry Ann Simpson
1966 - 2023
Robert Andrew Smith
Paul H Smith
The Legend That Is And Always Will Be ... Jules
Dorothy Smith
Brian Smith
Barry William Smith
John Smith
Sheila Smith
Rock Hamden Smith
John Smith
Dorothy Smith (DS)
1929 - 2022
Geoffrey Smith (Geoff)
1932 - 2021
Sandra Smith
Pippa Ann Smithson
Seamus Smyth
Darcy Grace Standeven
2018 - 2024
Jean Wendy Starkey
1941 - 2010
Maya Alexandra Stephenson
Andrew Stokes
Frank Sypula
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