Gianna Valene was silently born in on February 23, 2008. 11:53pm, weighed 4 ounces and was 7 inches long. We never got to see you breathe, smile or giggle at us.
Gary Bromley was born in HARLOW, ESSEX on December 24, 1967. He is much loved and Will always be remembered by all his friends and family.Although to everyone else he was Gary,or Gal,to us he was just Daddy,and the best Daddy in the world.we still miss you as much today as we did that day you left, and always will Dad.
Allan Brigg was born in Skipton, Yorkshire on Monday May 3rd, 1965 to Lloyd and Jean (nee Hesleton). A beloved son, brother to Hazel and Stuart and a much loved uncle to his nieces and nephews.
Allan was an honest, good, kind, quiet man with an inner strength and compassion that is so rare in people.
Juan Perez was born in San Antonio, Tx on September 04, 1940. His new life began on February 23, 2012. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family.
Helen Messina was born in Bogalus, Louisiana 70427 on December 05, 1930. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family.
This site is a tribute to Jeanette (Staman) Schwartz, who was born in Hunterdon County, New Jersey on September 25, 1973. She is much loved and will always be remembered.
This site is a tribute to Leighton Anderson, who was born in New Brunswick Canada on November 11, 1938. He is much loved and will always be remembered.
Florence Arispe was born on October 27, 1925. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family.
She was a kind and thoughtful person and a WONDERFUL grandmother.
This site is a tribute to Dave. Please share your photos & memories as often as they spring to mind. He was much loved by so many people & it would be great to bring everyones thoughts together to share those memories in one place.
Ann was born in Dundee on October 20th, 1940. She is much loved and will always be remembered by her daughters Sharon Ann, Deborah Jane, Shirley Isobel and her grand daughters Diane, Chloe and Shannon.
This site is a tribute to WILFRID BALMER, who was born in Brighton, East Sussex, England on November 20, 1913. He is much loved and will always be remembered.
This site is a tribute to Evelyn Ferry, who was born in Dunfanaghy, Co. Donegal, Ireland on September 04, 1943. She is much loved and will always be remembered.
In memory of a truly wonderful man - my father - David Bruce. No one could be prouder than myself to have known, loved and been loved by him.
Quiet, considerate and caring, dad lived for his family - my mum, my sister and I, his grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Jamie died on the 9th January 2012 of SUDEP
( Sudden Unexplained Death by Epilepsy)- just a few days before his 31st birthday.
Jamie developed epilepsy at the age of 14 and found the condition difficult to accept - no teenager wants to be different to his peers.
Frances Lund was born in Lancaster on January 27, 1923. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family. A truly wonderful mother who instilled in us our love of animals and wildlife.
We lost Gary during a time when we were not able to fully celebrate Gary’s life. To keep his memory alive, and to remember how he lived life to the full, we invite you to share your stories and photos. Gary would be so proud we are supporting the Anthony Nolan Trust.
This page is for our dear Dad Stephen Wright. The charities we have chosen were close to dad's heart.Southmead hospital - This is raising money for the ICU unit who looked after dad. Although they couldn't save him, they treated us family and friends so well. We will never forget their kindness and the amazing work they do.
This site is a tribute to G, Silver Fox, Roganator, Flash, Action Man .... The list is long, who was born on October 02, 1959. He is much loved be myself and his friends and will always be remembered.
This site is a tribute to Amy Thomas, a much loved daughter, sister, granddaughter, cousin, niece and friend.
Sweet dreams, Sleep tight, We love you, Goodnight xxx
Michael sadly died on May 17th 2011. He was 68yrs old. He was taken ill in December and later diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, which none of us had ever heard of. He was on an oxygen machine 24hrs a day right from the onset of the illness.