This site is a tribute to Eric Litherland, who was born in Manchester on January 28, 1926. He is much loved and will always be remembered by his loving wife Irene and children Steven & Elaine.
This site is a tribute to Freda Brailey, who was born in Battersea on May 20, 1937. Sadly she passed away in January 2020, after suffering from COPD for about 5 years. She is much loved and will always be remembered.
This site is a tribute to our amazing mum Pat Fothergill who sadly passed away in March 2019. She has left us with many happy memories. We miss her so much and remember her with great love and affection.
This site is a tribute to Cynthia Bradley, who was born in Leeds on August 30, 1935. She is much loved Wife, Mum and Nan and will always be remembered.
This site is a tribute to Peter James Hobby, who sadly passed away on 20th September 2018, aged 83 years. He is much loved by his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and will always remain in their hearts.