Bluebell Walk

"In the tranquil hide-away, shafts of sunlight bounce across the glade.
 Streams of light, sparkling at the centre of wood that surrounds.
 And at the heart of the forest floor chime the bluebells,
 Joyous and alive with the sounds of spring."
- Anon

Tributes recently added to this Garden (729 tributes)


1912 - 1999

Jack was born in Somerset on March 19th, 1912. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family.

Ron Bury

1937 - 2010

Ron Bury 1937 - 2010 Ron passed away peacefully on Feb 4th 2010, after a brief illness. He was very much loved and is deeply missed by all his family, friends and all who knew him.

George Ernest Butcher

1935 - 2018

This site is a tribute to George Butcher, who was born on January 16, 1935. He is much loved and will always be remembered.

Janet Byford (Jan)

1923 - 2016

This site is a tribute to Jan, who was born on September 29, 1923. She is much loved and will always be remembered.

Violet Edna Caffary

1908 - 2010

Violet Caffary was born in Attleborough, Norfolk on June 20, 1908. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family.

John Caney

1945 - 2011

This site is a tribute to John Caney, who was born in Lancaster on May 04, 1945. He is much loved and will always be remembered.
Betty Canning was born in Bath on November 14, 1928. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family.

Dorothy Cannon

1940 - 2022

This site is a tribute to Dorothy Cannon, who was born in Bilston on August 17, 1940. They are much loved and will always be remembered.

June Doreen Caplin

1933 - 2023

This site is a tribute to June Caplin, who was born in Southampton on June 19, 1933. She is much loved and will always be remembered.

Carol A Carlson

1940 - 2019

This site is a tribute to Carol, who was born on September 20, 1940. She is much loved and will always be remembered.

Eileen Catherine Carr

1952 - 2022

This site is a tribute to Eileen Carr, who was a proud wife, mum, nanna and great-nanna. She is much loved and will always be remembered.


1935 - 2011

Betty was born in Dublin Eire on February 20, 1935. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family.

Doreen Gladys Carter

1930 - 2021

This site is a tribute to Doreen Carter. She is much loved and will always be remembered.
This site is a tribute to Dee. She is much loved and will always be remembered.

Josh Carter

1998 - 2021

This site is a tribute to Josh Carter. He is loved & missed by so many family & friends, and will always be remembered.

Jennie Cervantes

1946 - 2003

Jennie Cervantes was born in Guadalupe, CA on February 08, 1946. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her family and friends.

Leon and Alkmini Chaitow

1937-2018 and 1942-2023

This site is a tribute to Leon and Alkmini Chaitow, beloved parents of Sasha. They are much missed, much loved and will always be remembered.

Stuart Ian Chapman

1961 - 2005

Stuart Chapman was born in Denaby Main on April 25th, 1961. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family.
This site is a tribute to Jill, much loved wife, mother and friend of many. Please feel free to share your thoughts and memories here, as we will never forget what a wonderful woman she was. Feel free to leave donations to Lymphoma Action so that we can help others survive T-Cell Lymphoma which took our lovely mum before time.

Keng Kiang Chia

1950 - 2009

Honouring the passing of kk (Chia Keng Kiang) born in Singapore on July 04, 1950. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her family and friends .

margaret chisholm

1944 - 2008

Margaret was born in Anderston Glasgow on August 30, 1944.
This site is a tribute to Lawrence Chitty.4/2/55 - 29/9/21 He is much loved and will always be remembered. He loved doing things for others and teaching young people how to care for others. He loved nature, growing things, making things and music. He was beautiful, brave and kind . He deserved a longer life. We love you and miss you every day. <3

Annabel Louise Chung

1980 - 2016

This site is a tribute to Annabel Chung, who was born in London on April 04, 1980. She is much loved and will always be remembered.
This site is a tribute to Jean. She is much loved and will always be remembered.