Sunbeam Glen

"Ever felt an angel's breath in the gentle breeze?
 A teardrop in the falling rain?
 Heard a whisper amongst the rustle of leaves?
 Or been kissed by a lone snowflake?
 Nature is an angel's favorite hiding place."
- Carrie Latet

Tributes recently added to this Garden (368 tributes)

Ray Bullough

1942 - 2013

Ray Bullough was born on November 16, 1942. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family.

Bryan Malcolm Burgess

1937 - 2013

BRYAN BURGESS.... my teacher, my friend, my hero, my dad. My life is because of him.... I miss him so much. He was one of life's true gentlemen. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family.

Dr. Billy Ray Burns

1943 - 2010

Dr. Billy Burns was born in Norman, Oklahoma on December 18, 1943. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family. Please take a moment and share with us how our husband/father touched your life and made is special. Thanks.
Yvonne Bushell was born in Folkestone on April 04, 1932. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family.

Daniel Caboche

1941 - 2005

Daniel was born in Beuvry, France on 16 December 1941. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family.
Matthew Cain was born in Upshur County WV on May 30, 1912. He was a wonderful man and will always be remembered by all his friends and family.


1925 - 2006

Janet Campbell was born in Glasgow on September 05, 1925. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family. She died on May 06, 2006, at a wonderful age of 80.

Suzie Canning

1996 - 2010

This site is a tribute to Suzie Canning, who was born in Crediton on December 03, 1996. She is much loved and will always be remembered.

Michael James Cannon

1945 - 2011

Mike fought bravely against PSP. He kept his sense of humour throughout and his strength and determination have been an inspiration to all. He is deeply loved and will always be remembered by his family and friends.

Stephen Stanley Card

1952 - 2009

Stephen Card was born in Oxford on March 26th, 1952. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family.

Marjorie May Carswell

1920 - 2004

Marjorie Carswell was my dear nan , everyone knew her as "Nanoo" she was the kindest sweetest person you could ever wish to meet but was diagnosed with MND in October 2003 and she died on the 18th Se...
This site is a tribute to Chrissy, who was born in Foynes, county Limerick on November 27, 1941 but lived most of her life in Birmingham. She will de sadly missed but will always be remembered with much love xxx
This site is a tribute to Raymond Cavanagh. He is much loved and will always be remembered.


1926 - 2011

Sarah Cave was born in McKenzie British Guyana on May 15, 1926. She is much loved and will always be remembered by her daughter Rolande, her grandchildren, family and friends.

Leon and Alkmini Chaitow

1937-2018 and 1942-2023

This site is a tribute to Leon and Alkmini Chaitow, beloved parents of Sasha. They are much missed, much loved and will always be remembered.
Carole Chiesa was born in Wimbledon, London on April 22, 1953. She was a wonderful mother, the perfect wife, and the greatest friend.
This site is a tribute to Jack. He is much loved and will always be remembered.

Ian Robert Clarke

1969 - 2022

This site is a tribute to Ian Robert Clarke. He is much loved and will always be remembered.

Thomas Young Cleland

1928 - 2009

Thomas Young Cleland was born in Darvel, Ayrshire on July 25, 1928 and slipped away on the 24th December 2009 after a short illness.

John James Collins

1962 - 2009

John Collins was born in Barrhead on December 21, 1962. He was a very much loved character by all who knew him. John is very much loved by all his friends and family.
Marjorie Colwell was born in Titchfield Hampshire on November 14, 1928.Aged 66 on the 17th March 1995 she died. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her family.
Paul Constantine was born in Cyprus on July 14, 1957. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family.


1926 - 2010

There are so many lovely, funny memories of my Dad. Everyone I speak to has a story to tell. Here's the place to share the thoughts that we all have of Dad.

Adam John Cooper

1986 - 2020

Adam was born in Stafford on 9th January, 1986 a little brother for Laura. After a short illness of only five weeks he sadly died on the 31st July 2020, aged 34 years. I would love you to occasionally share your memories, thoughts, music, videos and stories about Adam. I always want him to be remembered, my beautiful boy.