Shooting Star

"Seen a shooting star tonight and I thought of you.
 You were trying to break into another world,
 A world I never knew.
 I always kind of wondered if you ever made it through.
 Seen a shooting star tonight, and I thought of you."
- Bob Dylan, from 'Shooting Star'

Tributes in this Garden (618 tributes)

Karen Lisa Costello

1973 - 2024

Mitja Cotic

1967 - 2011

Solomon Immanuel Cox

1979 - 2015

Gary Gene Cox

1964 - 2018

Aaron Daniel James Craig

1995 - 2008

Jimmy Cranson

1969 - 2009

Simon Paul Crawley

1969 - 2012


1977 - 2007

Kerry Elizabeth Croman

1970 - 2010

Andy Leigh Crowe

1962 - 2009

Patricia Angela Cruickshank (Granny)

1963 - 2016

William Alan Charles Davidson (Bill)

1973 - 2018

Leon Davies

1999 - 2016

Mark Anthony Davies

1977 - 2006

Teo Davis

1951 - 2016

Paul Stephen Dawes (Dawesy)

1983 - 2019

Stephen George Dawes (Steve)

1955 - 2021

Susan Deakin (Sue)

1953 - 2018

Patricia A Delaney

1953 - 2009

John Mcphee Dempsey

1948 - 2005

David Hector Dempsey

1972 - 2003

Frederick Cecil Dennis (Fred)

1925 - 2016

Thakorbhai Bhimbhai Desai

1928 - 2015

Charles Dewar